Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Recently Sean has been making faces every time I switch the channel to PBS when Keeping Up Appearances is on. He has always made fun of me for being an Anglophile, but I truly love this show. It always reminds me of my best friend Katie, who introduced me to the lovely Mrs. Bucket (pronounced "Bouquet") back when we were young teenagers.

Well, an article has been released that makes the score Kay: 1, Sean: 0. Apparently Snoop Dogg LOVES Keeping Up Appearances! An article in The Sun quoted the man saying that the show still "makes [him] laugh so hard." HA! Win.

However, I don't believe that this argument will change Sean's opinion of the matter... *sigh*

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hiya Kay. It's Kate Olmstead. Welcome to the blogging world!
